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photo by Mary Hutchinson


March Photo Newsletter

Water Water Everywhere




It's sad but true:  

The in-person classes described below are suspended for right now


We are carrying on with remote lessons via Zoom.

Email or call (610) 626 - 7854 to sign up.



Dear Photographers,

   Yes!  Spring is nearly here.  As we begin to emerge, camera in hand, we at Owen Biddle Photo School have prepared classes, workshops and trips to CELEBRATE the new season.  We"take a dip", this month with the theme of water, which, with its life-giving  gifts, symbolizes for us every kind of new possibilities.











                            photo by Owen Biddle


Three-Part Zoom Photo Workshop:  Water 

(Sign up for one, two or all three sessions)

  Water as a part of our surroundings is so easy to overlook, but take a second and you'll discover the infinite visual possibilities offered by this ubiquitous element.  The reflections in still water, the patterns in flowing water, the drama in cascading water, the shimmer in  water droplets, the fun in water from a hose, all provide special challenges that make for exciting pictures.  Even a lowly puddle can become a whole new world. 


First session: Wednesday,   3/17   7:00 - 8:30

Discussion of equipment and technique and presentation of how master photographers have addressed the subject.


Second session: Wednesday,  3/24  5:00 - 6:30

In-the-field experience at Ithan Valley Park Waterfall to practice skills in capturing water in a variety of states.


Third session:  Wednesday,  3/31  7:00 - 8:30

To share work from intervening week




Watery Photo Field Trips

John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum

Saturday   3/20   5:00 - 6:30

I recently discovered this stunning expanse of water, trees, grasses, woods and wild birds.... the photo opportunities just go on and on. In the early Spring this lagoon offers open vistas as well as  a wonderful chance to try out photographing the tender green of the season.  John Heinz is also known for its amazing ducks, wading birds and song birds.  While bird photography is not a specialty of Owen's he can give helpful tips, and for you bird photographers, there is no shortage of feathery subjects.













                      photo by Owen Biddle



Ithan Valley Park Waterfall 

Wednesday  3/24  5:00 - 6:30

Practice skills in capturing water in a variety of states in this lovey little park.  








































Tentative Dates:  Fridays  7:00 - 8:30  3/12,  3/26,  4/9,  4/23

Please check in with Owen if you are interested in enrolling.   Final dates determined by polling participants.


     This is not an Art History class; rather, looking at the paintings and sculptures of different figures and schools in Art History, we will develop photographic assignments.  Students will be challenged to draw inspiration from examples from Art History to create new work.  For example, without relying on computer manipulation, we might exploit depth of field and soft focus to capture the style and atmosphere of an Impressionistic landscape.  Or we may use forced perspective and wide angle lenses to capture the uniquely elongated look of a Giocometti sculpture.  Or we may use advanced lighting techniques to replicate the feel of a candle-lit interior by de La Tour.  The possibilities are endless....













                      photo by Juan Torres

Check out this link to see a book that resulted from this course in the past:

Radishes and Eggplant.JPG


Photographer of the Month

Mary Hutchinson​
















Here's what Mary has to say:

     "I have been interested in photography since high school in the 1970’s and received my first camera, an Olympus SLR, as a graduation gift. In college I served as a photographer for the school yearbook. Over the years since then my photography has consisted primarily of documenting family events, travels and my son’s sporting events. I retired after a 32 year career as an educator, teaching children with special needs and coaching Special Olympics.

     In my retirement I have renewed my interest in photography as a hobby. Recently re-located to the Delaware beach community I have found the coastal area to offer a wealth of photo opportunities - beautiful sunrises and sunsets, natural wonders and history abounds.

      I discovered the Owen Biddle Photo School online and have been enjoying Zoom lessons with Owen for the past several months. I purchased my first full frame camera, a Nikon D-850, and have been learning to reconnect with manual photography."


   Mary is relatively new to our community of photographers, but what a wonderful addition!  We thought of her to be our photographer-of-the-Month because of her knack for featuring water scenes with all sorts of light and mood.  But beyond her sensitive approach to her watery subject matter, we are so impressed by her especially vivid color that reaches out and grabs your eye, so you can't look away! 


Click on thumbnail to see full images.                    









DSLR Fundamentals Classes​

Below are descriptions of some of our classes. Respecting social distancing requirements for now, all classes are online. 


Remember, private, individual lessons are always an option.  Just give a call and  we can set up individual sessions to keep you moving forward with your photography.

 Call (610)-626-7854 for details.


(click on links for more information)


Fundamentals 1:  Camera Operations   is for students who are just starting out, or want a good review of the basic camera functions. 

Tuesdays  7:00 - 8:30   3/9,  3/16,  3/23,  3/30


Sundays  1:00 - 2:30  3/7,  3/14,  3/21,  3/28                


Fundamentals 2:  Applications  is for students who have some comfort with the camera and want to start applying their skills to expand their photographic range.

Call to schedule


Fundamentals 3:  Composition  takes photography beyond the subject, and encourages you to see the artistic and compositional opportunities in everyday life. Here is a chance for your right brain to come out and play!

Saturdays  10:00 - 11:30  3/6,  3/13,  3/20,  3/27


Fundamentals 4:  Lighting Across the Genres is for students who are  ready for the next critical step: lighting.  Explore sophisticated means of controlling both natural and artificial light for portraits, landscape and still life to get just the mood and effects you want.

Call to schedule


Advanced Photography - Using self-generated assignments and in-depth critiques we will help you move forward in your work.  

TBD  Please call us to discuss dates  (610) 626 - 7854

















                   photo by Owen Biddle


Online Photo Salon

In-person Photo Salons are on hold right now, but we are very excited about our new online options

1.  Check out this  facebook link and join the group.  

Our purpose is to provide an online place for our community to stay in touch, stay inspired  and get out there and keep snapping.  You can post pictures and get feedback, ask photo questions, make suggestions etc.  What do you say???

Special thanks to Jonathan Prusky, whose technical skills have saved us more than once and made this whole endeavor possible.


2.  Sunday  3:00 - 4:30  3/21/21   Real-Time Zoom Photo Sharing session.  Limit of 6 participants, so RSVP soon.  First come first serve!




















photo by Owen Biddle















Tips for Taking Great Water Pictures


From background to subject:  While we often regard the body of water as a great background in our shots, try thinking of the water itself as the main character.


Reflections:  The world upside down?  Reflections are great abstract duplicators.  Still water gives pristine reflections, but don't forget, rain pocked or rippling water can add a playful element of distortion. And the allure of sunsets and sunrises will multiply when reflected in water. As Ernst Haas said "Beware of reflections.  They might too easily make you a genius".


Weather:  Don't forget that rain, mist and snow also count as water!  Shot from above people and umbrellas glow in the wet streets.


Polarization:  On a day with direct sunlight a polarizer deepens the color of the water.  More adjustment with a polarizing filter can equal less editing!


Horizon:  Especially when photographing a big body of water, like the ocean or a lake, keep in mind that long line where water meets sky.  Keep it horizontal, either low or high, but maybe not in the middle.



Moving water:  A fantastic opportunity to work on your skills for dealing with a moving subject.  You can choose a slow shutter speed to show patterns and lines of movement.  Or try a fast shutter speed to freeze the action, right down to the droplets caught in midair.

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