Owen Biddle
Photo School

photo by Dave Cassie
May Photo Newsletter
Travel Photography: Voyage of the Eye
Dear Photographers,
This time of year can stir feelings of wanderlust in even the most dedicated homebodies! For those who see travel in their future, this month's newsletter is for you. We offer trips and a workshop that will review the principles of photography as specially adapted to travel, including opportunities to practice taking pictures of architecture, street scenes and people.
Voyage of the Eye, the Heart, and....​
the Stomach
Travel photography incorporates many different kinds of picture taking. To get you ready to capture new places, people and cultures in memorable images, this survey workshop covers the essentials of architecture, portraits, street photography, and, yes, food shots.
Tuesdays, May 24 and 31 7:00 - 8:30
Photo by Owen Biddle

Photo Field Trips
Two field trips: Pretend you're a tourist in Philly. Try out some travel photography ideas as you look at our town with fresh eyes.
Philadelphia's Beaux Art City Hall offers some of the most elegant, charming and even exotic opportunities for photographers. You may know the grand exterior architecture of this building, but its interior is full of fascinating ornamental sculpture, and the people watching opportunities are rich. With a tripod (I can lend mine if you don't own one) and a zoom, you can discover and capture images of the amazing details of this classic symbol of Philadelphia
Wednesday, May 11 10:00 - 12:00​
Rittenhouse Square in the Evening
A traveler wants to experience and photograph new places not only during the daytime hours. Practice critical low light and night time skills. The heart of downtown Philadelphia, Rittenhouse Square is the perfect place to get the most out of urban night photography - stunning architecture and street scenes a lovely park, street scenes, and an endless parade of people being people (and don't forget the dogs!) In the evening light your pictures will glow!
Saturday, May 28 7:00 - 9:00
New Two-Session Class
"The negative is the score, the print is the performance" Ansle Adams.
The masters knew how to get the absolute most out the negative using dark room techniques such as adjusting contrast, dodging and burning, and cropping. Today we have an even more powerful array of editing options to bring out our pictures' full potential. This class is an introduction to basic editing adjustments, including straightening, cropping, color correction, histograms, exposure, contrast.... it's a long list, but with a little instruction you will be able to realize your visions and produce pictures worthy of printing. Also essential for preparing images for books and websites.
To schedule call (610) 626 - 7854 or email owenbiddlephotography@gmail.com.

*Continuing from last month: In-Person Photo Salon we will triple your $10 admission to donate to Razom, https://razomforukraine.org/
*Introducing New Class: Editing 101
*Owen teaching Portfolio Review at Mainline School Night https://courses.mainlineschoolnight.org/wconnect/ace/CourseStatus.awp?&course=22SHC11017
DSLR Fundamentals Tutorials
Below are descriptions of the basic units of our curriculum available to students ranging from beginner to advanced. Most units are five lessons and include a set of assignments designed to give practice in targeted skills with opportunities to get feedback from the instructor so that you learn from your experiences.
Just give a call and we can set up individual sessions to keep you moving forward with your photography.
Call (610)-626-7854 for details.
​(click on links for more information)
Fundamentals 1: Camera Operations is for students who are just starting out, or want a good review of the basic camera functions.
Fundamentals 2: Applications is for students who have some comfort with the camera and want to start applying their skills to expand their photographic range.
Fundamentals 3: Composition takes photography beyond the subject, and encourages you to see the artistic and compositional opportunities in everyday life. Here is a chance for your right brain to come out and play!
Fundamentals 4: Lighting Across the Genres is for students who are ready for the next critical step: lighting. Explore sophisticated means of controlling both natural and artificial light for portraits, landscape and still life to get just the mood and effects you want.
Advanced Photography - Using self-generated assignments and in-depth critiques we will help you move forward in your work.

Not a photo, but ...
John Singer Sargent (1856 - 1925) took along his watercolors to capture this iconic view of Venice.
Sunday, May 29 3:00 - 4:30
These are very friendly, relaxed get-togethers at my apartment in Lansdowne. Photographers of all levels are welcome to share pictures, get photography tips, and discuss camera equipment. Feedback from the group provides encouragement and inspiration to go out and take more pictures. These informal photography critiques offer an excellent opportunity to start identifying themes in your work and to get ideas for new directions. Group size is limited, so if you can come an RSVP is required by email or call (610) 626-7854. Cost is $10. These Salons often fill-up, so it's best to get your spot early.
Things being the way they are, we can't guarantee in-person salons in the coming months, but we are excited to take advantage of this month to see everyone.
photo by Owen Biddle

**************************************************Photographer of the Month
Dave Cassie
Here's what Dave has to say: "I am an amateur photographer!—taking up my camera for the love of it. As far back as I can remember, I have always had a camera. My primary interest is taking pictures of people—when they are unconsciously authentic. As Owen has taught me, the moment is everything!—never to be repeated, unequaled in power and revelation; though even in so-called posed photographs, the subjects often, unawares, expose their more authentic self to the lens. The photographs I have selected have been taken during multiple visits to Cuba during the last 20 years. While the lives of most Cubans have been difficult because of the US Blockade, they continue to exhibit a tenacious sense of dignity and joy. "
Dave has a natural eye for composing shots that are bold, balanced and uncluttered. He has the knack for capturing just the moment that tells the story. But what I love most about Dave's photography is the humanity that shines through every picture. No matter where, under what circumstances, we can't help but recognize our fellows in the people he brings to us in his photographs.
Click on thumbnail to see full images.