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photo by Robert Colameco

July Photo Newsletter

Dear Photographers,

   Space and time are on our minds -  two technical essentials of photography, but two concepts with compositional and aesthetic meaning too.  This month our theme comes from combining two classic photography assignments that many of you have probably encountered somewhere along the line  in your photography education.  One is the reminder to "look behind you", that is turn around and check out the photo possibilities all about you.  The second is a challenge to return to the same subject several times over the course of the day to capture and appreciate the changing light and shadows of the scene.  We hope July's Photo Newsletter will inspire you to remember that the location is everywhere and the time is anytime.    












           photo by Owen Biddle



Three-Part  Photo Workshop:  Dawn and Dusk

at the Art Museum

 This is an in-the-field workshop designed to help you experience the idea of revisiting the same place to take pictures at different times of day.  Using the architectural as well as natural elements in the art museum area, we will try out dawn and evening photography.  At a third session we will gather at the studio to look at and discuss the results.

You can sign up for one, two or all three parts of the workshop.

Sunday,  7/18  5:30 am in-the-field Dawn at Art Museum

Saturday, 7/24  7:00 pm in-the-field Dusk at the Art Museum

Saturday,  7/31 10:00 am share work and wrap-up


Two-Part Photo Workshop:  Flash

Sometimes considered the final frontier for photography students, this is where you learn to take control of light and time to get those spectacular shots.  Dancers in mid-jump, candids at events and celebrations, your cat leaping for a toy....  flash allows you to bring the sun inside and master all those challenges of color, motion and depth-of-field in low light conditions.

Sunday, 7/17  12:00 - 2:00 discussion, demonstration, tips

Sunday  7/24  share work from intervening week 





 Photo Field Trip















                      photo by Owen Biddle



360 Degrees at Swarthmore

We are thrilled that the Swarthmore campus has reopened and can't wait to bring you on a field trip to this lovely and inviting setting.  But this trip has a twist.  Beyond capturing the beauty of the stately trees, rose gardens, sweeping lawns and charming buildings, we will use this location to practice the 360 assignment.  Participants will experiment with the "look behind you" concept, with the challenge of opening up your field of vision to capture wonderfully unexpected shots.  Should be fun!

Saturday, 7/16  4:00 - 6:00








Congratulations, Robert!


Robert Colamco's photo, The Rowers, was selected to be featured in FRAMES Magazine.  FRAMES is a photography magazine that is published four times a year; although it is very new it is an exciting publication and worth checking out.  Every issue a guy named W. Scott Olsen chooses a photo to explore. For July he chose  Robert's image .  Below is a portion of the essay he wrote about it.  Following the link to FRAMES should allow us to read the entire piece.



















photo by Robert Colameco


Reading Frames

“The Rowers” by Robert Colameco

By W. Scott Olsen



What makes this image beautiful, at least for me, is the elegance of its composition and colors, the symmetries of the shells, the calm of the water, and the narrative metaphor, the late in the year pulling away, with talent and trust, not disturbing, alone with others.  

Photography is always a story.  This one is hope and grace.





In- Person!

Like many of the rest of you, we are taking some steps to reconnect...            in person!!

For those who are vaccinated and comfortable meeting in the classroom setting, small group events and individual lessons are available.  

For those who are not yet ready for this step, we are carrying on with remote lessons via Zoom.

Email or call (610) 626 - 7854 to sign up.

DSLR Fundamentals Tutorials

Below are descriptions of the basic units of our curriculum available to students ranging from beginner to advanced.  Most units are five lessons and include a set of assignments designed to give practice in targeted skills with opportunities to get feedback from the instructor so that you learn from your experiences.


Just give a call and  we can set up individual sessions to keep you moving forward with your photography.

 Call (610)-626-7854 for details.


​(click on links for more information)


Fundamentals 1:  Camera Operations   is for students who are just starting out, or want a good review of the basic camera functions. 


Fundamentals 2:  Applications  is for students who have some comfort with the camera and want to start applying their skills to expand their photographic range.


Fundamentals 3:  Composition  takes photography beyond the subject, and encourages you to see the artistic and compositional opportunities in everyday life. Here is a chance for your right brain to come out and play!


Fundamentals 4:  Lighting Across the Genres is for students who are  ready for the next critical step: lighting.  Explore sophisticated means of controlling both natural and artificial light for portraits, landscape and still life to get just the mood and effects you want.


Advanced Photography - Using self-generated assignments and in-depth critiques we will help you move forward in your work.  




 Photo Salon


​  Sunday  3:00 - 4:30  7/25  In Person at our new address!!!

These are very friendly, relaxed get-togethers at my apartment in Lansdowne. Photographers of all levels are welcome to share pictures, get photography tips, and discuss camera equipment. You can also get ideas for entering photography contests, submitting to photography magazines and having photo shows. Feedback from the group provides encouragement and inspiration to go out and take more pictures. These informal photography critiques offer an excellent opportunity to start identifying themes in your work and to get ideas for new directions. Group size is limited, so if you can come an RSVP is required by email or call (610) 626-7854. Cost is $10.  These Salons often fill-up,

so it's best to get your spot early


ALSO.... Check out this  facebook link and join the group.  

Our purpose is to provide an online place for our community to stay in touch, stay inspired  and get out there and keep snapping.  You can post pictures and get feedback, ask photo questions, make suggestions etc.  What do you say???

Special thanks to Jonathan Prusky, whose technical skills have saved us more than once and made this whole endeavor possible.



















photo by Owen Biddle


Not a photo, but ...
Claude  Monet (1840 - 1926) knew a thing or two about light and time of day.  Lots we can learn from him....




Marie Cosindas












1923 - 2017


Every once in a while we like to present a major photographer who may still be a new discovery for many.  Marie Cosindas is a favorite.  She was a versatile photographer and one of the early pioneers in color.  Her masterful portraits as well her evocative still lifes are stunning - both subtle and vivid - perhaps even more surprising when we realize she was using Polaroid film in a large studio camera with natural light.  See what her experiments have produced....


Click on thumbnail to see full images.                    







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