Owen Biddle
Photo School

photo by Robert Taylor
December Photo Newsletter
Shadows and Reflections
"Beware of reflections.... they might too easily make you a genius "~ Ernst Haas
"They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows. ~ Batman
November Photo Contest:
Night and Low Light
First Place Winner
Nancy Forsell Augenblick

photo by Nancy Forsell Augenblick
Second Place Winner
Eloise Bocella

photo by Eloise Bocella
Third Place Winner
Robert Turner

Photo by Robert Turner
December Photo Contest
Shadows and Reflections
We are looking for creative interpretations of the theme. Technical skill, good composition and originality are all important . Color and black & white are welcome. To enter simply email your photo to : owenbiddlephotography@gmail.com.
The winning photo will be featured in our next Newsletter.
​DSLR and Mirrorless Fundamentals Tutorials
Below are descriptions of the basic units of our curriculum available to students ranging from beginner to advanced. Most units are five lessons and include a set of assignments designed to give practice in targeted skills with opportunities to get feedback from the instructor so that you learn from your experiences.
Just give a call and we can set up individual sessions to keep you moving forward with your photography.
Call (610)-626-7854 for details.
​(click on links for more information)
Fundamentals 1: Camera Operations is for students who are just starting out, or want a good review of the basic camera functions.
Fundamentals 2: Applications is for students who have some comfort with the camera and want to start applying their skills to expand their photographic range.
Fundamentals 3: Composition takes photography beyond the subject, and encourages you to see the artistic and compositional opportunities in everyday life. Here is a chance for your right brain to come out and play!
Fundamentals 4: Lighting Across the Genres is for students who are ready for the next critical step: lighting. Explore sophisticated means of controlling both natural and artificial light for portraits, landscape and still life to get just the mood and effects you want.
Advanced Photography - Using self-generated assignments and in-depth critiques we will help you move forward in your work.
Dear Photographers,
We know that light is the essence of photography (photo = light; graphy = write or record). But there are many ways to think about light and images. Yes, light reveals and illuminates. And it sculpts and renders form. But light also presents itself less directly in shadows and reflections. This month we invite you to think about how these two phenomena can tell stories, provide a sense of play and help set the mood. Both literally and symbolically, shadows and reflections carry meanings that add interest, complexity and richness to our work.
Life on the Edges
(of the Histogram)

photo by Owen Biddle
This workshop will go into ways to tame hot spots and get detail from deep shadows - a few tricks that will salvage many great pictures that have the misfortune of being taken under difficult lighting conditions.
But beyond that, we challenge you to explore the aesthetic, compositional and narrative potential of shadows and reflections as part of your images. You will discover all kinds of new opportunities just hiding in plain sight!
First session: discussion of equipment, technique and composition
Wednesday, 12/13 7:00 - 8:30
Second session: Share work from intervening week
Wednesday, 12/20 7:00 - 8:30
Photo Field Trips
We're returning to a favorite photo destination, but timing our visit to the evening to take advantage of the way the slanting sunlight creates beautiful shadow.
Location: Bala Cynwyd, PA
Saturday, 12/16 3:00 - 5:00

photo by Owen Biddle

photo by Owen Biddle
Do you believe you can convert downtown Bryn Mawr into a fantastic surreal world? You can, and this trip will show you how. We will be photographing our way through Bryn Mawr, with its multitude of stunning shop windows which make for phantasmagorical shots combining high style manikins, set-design surroundings and of course the latest in fashion. Add in the layers of reflected light on the glass window, and you have the ingredients for some surreal photography.
Sunday, 12/17 12:00 - 1:30
Return of the
Sunday, 12/10 2:00 - 3:30
These are very friendly, relaxed get-togethers at my apartment in Lansdowne. Photographers of all levels are welcome to share pictures, get photography tips, and discuss camera equipment. You can also get ideas for entering photography contests, submitting to photography magazines and having photo shows. Feedback from the group provides encouragement and inspiration to go out and take more pictures. These informal photography critiques offer an excellent opportunity to start identifying themes in your work and to get ideas for new directions. Group size is limited, so if you can come an RSVP is required by email or call (610) 626-7854. Cost is $10.
Not a photo but.....
this shadow puppet by Caroline Borderies shows how shadows can tell the tale

Photographer of the Month
Robert Taylor​
Robert is a life long resident of Drexel Hill. He's been married for 32 years and has 31 year-old twins. He's been a general contractor for 20 years and has numerous related skills and a wide range of background subskills from many other endeavors. Robert has been shooting for 6 years utilizing different systems (Pentaz k70, Sigma sd Quattro, Pentax 645z). These provided elements and experiences that lead to the Fujifilm GFX 100s. He has had three lessons with Owen and has attended 1 salon and appreciates some new insights. Robert says he looks forward to meeting many from our community of photographers in the future and leaves us with "Shoot'em in the ten ring!"
Robert is relatively new to our community and we're so glad to have him join us. We asked him to be our photographer of the month because we are awed by his sense of adventure as he picks up his camera - finding wonderful subject matter anywhere and everywhere. His originality and open mindedness are matched by his unerring sense of composition and technical skills. He has met the challenge of Shadows and Reflections masterfully. Thank you, Robert, for showing us what can be done with a sharp eye, a bit of imagination and the care of a advanced technician.
P.S. For more examples of Robert's wide range of images, look at his postings on our online photo salon! https://www.facebook.com/groups/owenbiddlephotosalon
Click on thumbnails to see full images.